Friday, April 22, 2011

The Seven Words I Never Have to Say.

Today is a momentous day for those who adhere to the Christian faith. It is the day that our freedom was bought. It is the day that a world of possibilities that do not include eternal death became available to us. It is the day that our impending death was substituted for a fully vibrant New Life. As Jesus died on the cross, He spoke the words that we will never have to say. "My Father, why have you forsaken me?" It is the ultimate injustice that the one man who actually did not deserve to be abandoned by God in Heaven was the one who took our place and was separated from God for us. For our greed. For our pride. For our selfishness. For our murder. For our thieving ways. For our adulterous thoughts. For our ultimate sin of making our own way without God. This spotless sacrifice spoke the words that will never pass my lips. God will not forsake me. Despite my tendency to take my own reigns and wander in stubborn circles, God will not cast me away. I will never have to wonder where God has gone. I will never have to look for a bridge back to Him as he is by my side all the times that I have tried to run on my own course. God knows that I am going to attempt to forsake him for pleasure and profit and pride, but he still will not leave me. He has enduring mercy. This mercy was bought and paid for by the death of His son. Do we deserve this mercy? Not likely. Have you received this mercy? Hopefully. Take a closer look at the quality of the decisions you make. Are they free from condemnation? Do they fall short of perfect? Remember, perfect is not really good, perfect is no blemish, no mistake, no sin. His son was perfect and as His death approached, asked His own father why he had forsaken Him. Due to that magnificent sacrifice, we only now have to ask ourselves the question, "My God, why have I forsaken you". There is time to turn around and run back into his arms. There is time to apply the sacrifice of His perfect Son to your life. There is time to enter God's loving arms and know that you will never be forsaken. Those arms will lift you and make you new. Do not waste this chance to guarantee that you will never be alone. Do not waste this chance to choose a new life. Do not hesitate to give your life to the one who bought it many years ago. It is a simple choice, but will have an amazing impact on your life. Never again have to wonder why and if you have been forsaken. You will not be. You cannot be. Revel in this promise and choose to join hands with the one who has been reaching out for you since the day you were born. Never walk alone again. This is His promise and I know it to be true.

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