Monday, March 7, 2011

Modern Art and God

I for many years have been confused by what is commonly refered to as modern art. Its abstraction and lack of definition have made me question whether it is an inside joke wherein the creators and "avante-garde" mock the common man with themes of unintelligible visions and bizarre presentations of those visions. As much as I have struggled to understand, and at times ridicule the outside of reality abstraction of modern art, I am guilty of following my own abstractions in my own mind. These ideas do not spring forth into any tangible forms of art, but they do relate to the Great Artist and are far more abstract than any modern artist could ever be. I am slowly learning, however, that we do not serve and worship an abstract God. For many years I have know that God is capable of doing anything that we ask of Him. In favor of these grand ideas I lost sight of the fact that God can change me. I have faith that He could move mountains, heal the sick, forgive the sinful and change the world. In this process of "painting" a mental picture of what God is capable of doing, I lost the reality of what God want's to do. He has a picture in mind, and it is not paint randomly splashed upon the canvas of our lives. What I failed to remember and implement in my own life is that God can also effect change in our lives in many small, concrete areas. As these areas are touched by the Great Artist, then the overall painting takes on His form. Corner by corner, inch by inch, the colors and hues take on the design that he has intended for me. I have had faith that God could indeed perform miracles on the grandest scale, but I was living in the abstract and did not recognize that the miracles that God most wanted to work were in my life. God is not abstract, the Bible is not abstract, our faith should not be abstract and all of the outpourings of our love must not be abstract. We must live and serve in the concrete, as we serve a God who is unchanging, and whose plan for us involves us living out His plan for us in tangible ways. We must pass the stage of planning and move on to doing. We must move past the vision and implement the action. We must remember the game plan while running the plays. God has a plan for us. This plan asks us to move forward in our faith on a daily basis. As much as we and He at times desire wholesale changes, He understands that small steps lead to these changes. Find one area of your life that you would surrender to Him as you read this, and pray about that area. Pray that the God who can indeed move mountains will create a work of art in that area of your life. When God has done this work, move on to the next area that requires the touch of the Great Artist. Repeat as needed. ( will always be needed) Dear God, help me to make the changes, step by step until your picture is all that shows through on the canvas of my life.

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